Abingdon Blog

Abingdon is probably the oldest town in Britain - continuously inhabited since the Iron Age. Abingdon is seven miles downstream from Oxford on the River Thames. The Abingdon Blog is a photo record of events and places in Abingdon - mostly every day.

Tuesday, 8 August 2006


I believe the Doctors at the top of the list have been there longer and new doctors get added at the bottom.

The longer you have been registered with a surgery the more likely you are to be with a doctor near the top of the list.

I say that because when I registered with Dr Robertson at Marcham Road, and my wife and children registered with Dr Crossley at the Abingdon Surgery, they were near the middle / bottom, and now they are both at the top.

(Long Furlong Medical Centre:
Dr A L Keeling
Dr T E Knowell
Dr E Allan
Dr J Moore
Dr N Elwig)

The Grapes Sold

The sign read "For the night before ... Grapes .... And the Morning After"

There is also a Lansbrough Estates "SOLD" sign outside the Grapes. So nobody is sure yet whether that will spell the end of the summer jazz sessions in the walled garden.

The blackboard at the front usually lets passers-by know when and what bands are playing.

It has been a good place to have a drink and listen to music, even if sometimes indoors the large chimney obscures the view of the band. There are no great venues in Abingdon.


Marie sells lingerie and swimwear. It has a good reputation for fitting bras among my wife's friends. The advert is on the bus stop on Ock Street - in front of Coxeters Carpet and Curtain shop.

Marie's is on Bath Street. A few weeks ago there was a camera crew outside - doing a promotion to be broadcast on local TV - giving viewers a brief glimpse of the lingerie.

Monday, 7 August 2006

Multi-Story After

The previous post on this building showed the car-park before the make-over. The poor building was looking very tired. But now the top level makes a far more colourful picture.

This level eight sign is now almost completely cleaned up, and no longer looks like a crime scene.

And as the upper levels can now be locked up at night, crimes and overnight sleeping are far less likely to happen. The lower levels are reserved for permit holders (many of them council workers) and disabled drivers.

Only problem is that everybody else including families have to go higher up the building to park. So there have been the beginnings of complaints.

Sunday, 6 August 2006

Woolworths After

Woolworths has re-opened after the revamp. The old signs have all been replaced. The central aisle has been widened...

and the pick'n'mix looks better than ever.