Abingdon Blog

Abingdon is probably the oldest town in Britain - continuously inhabited since the Iron Age. Abingdon is seven miles downstream from Oxford on the River Thames. The Abingdon Blog is a photo record of events and places in Abingdon - mostly every day.

Friday, 20 January 2006

'Poverty is History' is History

Trinity Church still displays the banner that was first put up during the G8 conference last July. The Baptist Church had a similar banner but it got nicked some time ago. The Baptist 'Poverty is History' is History.

Monday, 16 January 2006

Keep Out of the Co-op

The building of the new Co-op has come to a halt.

Last year, the Co-op unveiled a wonderful new space age design for their new store. Lovely shiney curved front. A lot of local people didn't like it much and put up a fight to get the design changed. But the Co-op pressed on. They pulled the old store down, and started on the foundations.

For three months it has looked like the picture, just waiting for somebody to add the shiney top.

However, bigger things are happening. The Oxford and Swindon Cooperative Society has merged with other Cooperative Societies to form the Mid Counties Co-op. And work has come stopped whule they do a gigantic stock take.

The only notice says "Private Property - Keep Out!" instead of "We apologise for the Inconvenience...."

Sunday, 15 January 2006

Berlin Wall

This once was the site of the Kingfisher Primary School.

Their departure has left an empty plot with a long wall of boarding along one side of Blacknall Road.

On it, people leave each other memoes. Things like "I love you M" and "I'm on the other side smoking Pot. Come and join me" and other things I cannot even remember.