Dredging The River Thames

Dredging barge in the middle of the River Thames in Abingdon
A dredging barge has been working on the River Thames near Wilsham Road over the last few days. The boating season will soon be upon us and presumably the navigation channel in Abingdon is now becoming a problem for boats.  In previous years it was such not a priority.

21 thoughts on “Dredging The River Thames

  1. backstreeter

    I could no longer host the blog myself after May 1st using blogger – so have moved to wordpress. I hope it works out! All the old archives are kept as they were.

  2. Rachel M

    The new set up threw me for a second! Keep up the good work . This is how I find out what’s going on in my old home town.

  3. backstreeter

    Sorry! I was forced to change as blogger are taking away ftp support and that is what I used to do the blog. I chose this look for a start, but have not done that much research. I may change if I find a better wordpress theme.

  4. Mary Jean Farmer

    I type v very slowly, but wish to tell you I`m a really big fan of your blog. For complicated reasons I live in Piddlehinton in Dorset most of the time but my husband lives in Victoria Road Abingdon. If you are passing go and check out the front and side garden. (No 18). It would be really fun to see if my yellow Banksia lutea rose is in flower yet. When it is it`s quite a sight. :Many thanks for your endeavors.Please keep going.

  5. Newcomer

    A bit of a shock to see all this ‘white on the site’, Backstreeter’, but, as has been pointed out, it’s the content that counts. The drop-down daily entries have one real advantage in that they take you straight to the comments and I’ve always thought that this ‘section’ is the great unexploited aspect of the site. Great photographs, as usual.

  6. Mike

    The new look is absolutely fine. I have no problem with white – it’s what I’m used to in books! The content is the important thing, but I think we all benefit from a change from time to time. Keep up the good work.

  7. Backstreeter

    don’t worry Mark I am getting more and more conservative by the minute and have got rid of those bright colours. Give me a few more days and it will look exactly like the old.

  8. Bree Tanner

    hey fabulous little web-site you have there 😉 I employ the exact design template on my own blog but for whatever issue it looks to stream a lot quicker on this blog eventhough yours features far more content material. Are you using any individual plug ins or widgets that speed it up? Do you think you might be able to reveal the names so maybe I can use these in my own websites so twilight breaking dawn fans could watch twilight breaking dawn online trailers and films more quickly I’d personally be ever so thankful – regards ahead of time 🙂

  9. Backstreeter

    Hi Bree, I don’t really know. No special widgets. The Mysql database is only a week old. Maybe it will slow down when it gets bigger. Also I ftp images into a separate directory, then use img tags take to make them appear in the post. That may help.


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