Category Archives: politics

Annual Parish / Town Meeting Report 2024

I have broken it into three sections: council reports, reports from local groups, and questions from the public. There were about fifty people at the meeting. Most were probably councillors and local groups doing presentations.

Part 1 – Council Reports

The Mayor’s Report

Abingdon’s Mayor, Councillor Gwyneth Lewis, started the meeting by highlighting key moments from her year. She celebrated milestones like the 50th anniversary of volunteer drivers, the 100th year of MG cars, and the 50th show of the Abingdon and District Model Railway Club.

Her visits to allotments focused on biodiversity and special community groups. She was delighted to learn about the Didcot, Abingdon & Wantage Talking Newspaper.

Councillor Lewis also spoke about her initiative to improve support and sanctuaries for victims of domestic abuse. Progress has been made following a forum at the cinema and with the help of her chosen charity, Reducing the Risk.

She concluded by welcoming the new permanent Town Clerk who was sitting beside her.

Committee Reports

The chairs of the council’s four permanent committees then presented their reports. More detailed information can be found on the council’s website:

Community committee – Councillor Neil Fawcett

Gave thanks to all the staff.

Celebrations: The committee successfully organised events for King Charles III’s Coronation and continued popular traditions like Bun Throwing. Since it was only a few days into the new council, both retired, and new councillors took part in the bun throw.

Community Support: Major grants were awarded to key groups like The Abingdon Carousel and One Planet Abingdon. Numerous smaller grants funded local projects and events.

Review of Platinum Jubilee: An ‘honest’ report had been put together and highlighted some of the faults. It can be seen at

Environment and Amenities committee – Councillor Gabby Barody

Gave thanks to all the outdoor staff.

Spring Gardens Cemetery Improvements: Upgrades are underway in the Infant Burial area, including new paving, a memorial post box, seating, flower beds, and shrub planting. Completion is expected in June.

Playground Areas: New pendulum swings were installed in two playgrounds, and a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) was added to Caldecott Recreation Ground. A path in North Abingdon’s Hillview Park was resurfaced for long-term use. Self-closing gates have been installed in all playgrounds for improved access and safety.

Councillor Barody also talked about the Green forum, biodiversity competition, and active travel map.

She said she would be Mayor next year and so would stand down from chairing this committee after two years, and that it has been a pleasure.

Town Infrastructure committee – Councillor Colin Sanderson

Public Toilets:
• Two businesses and one community centre are offering toilet access to non-customers.
• The “Space for Change” accessible toilet is open under the Guildhall.
• The Vale repaired the accessible toilet in the Abbey Meadow. Persistent vandalism has meant that the Vale has to balance cost of repairs (about $30K last year) against keeping toilets open.

Speeding: Seven Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) will rotate between 14 locations.

Bus Services: A working group is reviewing bus routes to better serve Abingdon’s population. Councillor Sanderson asked for the public to let them know if areas in Abingdon are underserved.

Bicycle Parking: More bicycle racks will be installed in the Market Place.

Finance, Governance, Asset Management committee – Councillor Jim Halliday

The council’s net planned spend for 2023-24 was £2,136,960.
Funding sources include:
• Precept (council tax money): £1,823,515
• Fees & charges and rents income
• Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds from new property developments

CIL Funds:
• The council received £106,958 in CIL funds during 2022/23, which must be used on capital projects.
• They spent £12,000 on a scout hut refurbishment and school sports turf.
• During 2023/24, they approved spending £155,216 on speed signs, path resurfacing, an active travel map, playground equipment, and a multi-use games area.

• New council members were elected in May 2023.
• Cherie Carruthers was appointed Town Clerk/Chief Executive and Responsible Finance Officer in February 2024. (There had been three temporary town clerks in the last year.)
• A Deputy Town Clerk will start mid May and help to bring stability.

Asset Management:
• A lease agreement was negotiated with the Abbey Cinema (runs to Aug 2025).
• A working group is being formed to plan a major refurbishment of the Abbey Hall for late 2025. (The roof has no insulation and other issues.) Tenders for a long-term lease will begin.
• Feasibility studies are underway for installing a lift in the County Hall, and discussions have been held with Historic England.

Councillor Halliday thanked staff and ex-councillors for their work.

Abingdon Neighbourhood Plan – Councillor Andrew Skinner

The Neighbourhood Plan is our chance to shape how Abingdon develops in the future. It’s important to understand that this isn’t just a council plan; it’s a plan for the entire town, created with the help of volunteers.

There’s been a delay, though. While the plan has great ideas for the town’s future, it needed more specific details about how those ideas would be achieved with planning rules. The planning officers from the Vale are now helping the volunteers develop these details.

There are two key benefits in having a neighbourhood plan:
• Currently, the Town Council doesn’t have direct control over planning decisions. But a Neighbourhood Plan sets clear rules for future developments, giving the town a stronger voice in what gets built and how it looks.
• Having a Neighbourhood Plan can also increase the amount of money the Town Council receives through a levy called Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

Part 2 – Reports from local groups (some of which receive large grants from the council)

Fuller reports can be seen on the town council webite

The Abingdon Bridge: This youth support service is thriving! They received funding for the next five years and highlighted the transition of young people from receiving help to becoming helpers themselves. Three of the young people were there to speak.

Police Update: Sergeant Emma focused on their priorities: tackling violence against women and girls, retail crime, anti-social behaviour, and financial scams targeting the elderly. They encourage us to follow their Facebook page for more details.

Abingdon Carousel: The group receives a £35,000 grant from the council. They offer various activities for families with young children, with most visitors coming from Abingdon itself.

Abingdon Damascus Youth Project spoke of their gazebo as a dedicated meeting space for young people.

One Planet Abingdon: They reminded everyone about the climate emergency and encouraged residents to get involved in their initiatives. You can visit their centre located under the County Hall Museum.

Other Groups: Oxfordshire South and Vale Citizens Advice and the Guild of Town Criers also presented their work.

The Mayor thanked all the groups and said, ‘What an amazing place Abingdon is’.

Part 3 – The publics chance to discuss town affairs

Terry challenged councillors to do more in terms of accessibility. She mentioned the Vale Access Group, of which she is a member, who advises on accessibility. They could advise the committee looking at revamping the Guildhall. She also mentioned nearly getting run over by bikes on the precinct and asked for more to be done about such anti-social behaviour.

Mike mentioned how he thought the Guildhall was made of concrete and was then told it was made of the finest Portland Stone. He asked why then was the Guildhall recently painted grey. The town clerk said that they could find no way to remove some graffiti and it had been painted. She said that had been a mistake. They would look to remedy that.

Bobby said that the local neighbourhood plan had been dragging on for over three years, and only now is the Vale advising on planning. What had the consultants been doing all that time if not bringing in the right people at the right time? When would it be ready? Councillor Skinner said hopefully by this time next year. Bobby said she will hopefully be back here next year to see.

Brian from the Ock Valley Flood Group said members had been flooded again. The Oxford Flood group had come to look and were unsure thay could do much. The EA had previously looked into schemes and thought them too expensive. He asked the Town Council to pressurise these groups to do more. It is a constant worry for residents who cannot get flood insurance. Councillor Neil Fawcett said they would push for progress and that the Town Council will be providing local storage for sandbags. That was one small practical help.

David mentioned flooding at Chilton Close and how the Radley Brook floods quicker now since developments. It was said that the owner of the culvert had been identified, and they will keep it clear. David went on to say the West End allotments have been flooded since October. He would like to know whether the Sandford Brook was contaminated as they need to know the risk. He said that if Abingdon Common (on which the allotments sits) belongs to the Town Council, as many think, then they are responsible for that area. The Town Council will investigate.

Somebody raised the issue of £28K being spent on security for the Jubilee celebrations which was out of proportion. Councillor Fawcett said, thanks to an ‘honest’ report, mentioned earlier, lessons had been learned.

Steve suggested that the land on Abingdon Common be used for a wind or solar farm to get a better return than what is got from farming. Councillor Halliday said that wind was probably not feasible in this area, but solar could possibly be given the right connection to the National Grid. The farmer also has a long lease.

Hester asked, as she has most years, about progress on a Market Place notice board. The new Town Clerk was looking to improve communications and will put that in the remit of the new Deputy Town Clerk.

Somebody raised concerns about hedges and ivy blocking footpaths and cycleways. Clearing them can be helpful, but it can also show damage done to the pavement underneath. He asked why the council can’t just maintain these areas regularly. Councillor Halliday explained that councils have limited funds and can’t fix everything at once. He said residents can suggest areas for deep cleaning by Biffa. He also mentioned cars and lorries driving onto pavements in the town centre contributing to poor pavements. Councillor Halliday also highlighted the importance of residents taking pride in their community. Groups like Abibinit are a great example of this kind of community spirit.

Town Council Meeting – 20th March 2024

There will be an Abingdon-on-Thames Town Council Meeting this evening. I am unable to attend, but here’s a breakdown of the key points from the meeting agenda and council papers. The papers can be viewed at

Abingdon VWHDC District Councillors’ Reports:
* The council objected to the Thames Water price hike.
The VWHDC council’s business included:
* Public toilet charging (20p contactless, free with RADAR key) to reduce vandalism.
* Local plan to 2041 consultation.
* Care home/nursery and housing development proposals near Aldi.
* Brown bin garden waste scheme (stickered bins only will be collected).
* Ward boundary changes (Abingdon likely to have 1 councillor fewer due to slower population growth).

Town Council Committee Discussions:

Community Committee:
* Reviewed grant applications.
* Discussed museum management.
* Agreed to set up a public art working group.
* Approved a new 10-year Michaelmas Fair contract with opening on Sunday afternoon after a 3pm fair service.

Environment Committee:
* Praised outdoor services team, especially for bad weather work (including Hillview path relaying).
* Discussed installing new signs on council land.
* Agreed to improve Chaunterell Way and Masefield Close play areas.
* Discussed installing a container at Chaunterell Way for EA temporary flood barriers (£5k allocation).

Infrastructure Committee:
* Approved a new public toilet scheme with participating businesses (sign already displayed in Coffee Aroma).
* Discussed the number 41 bus service (funded by the Town Council).
* Discussed updating the neighbourhood plan due to the Local Plan 2041 consultation.
* Finalised locations for speed indicator signs.

Finance Committee:
* Will develop a new strategic plan, starting with a strategy day for councillors.
* Will care for two road roundabouts for a year.

An updated flag policy for the County Hall Museum is available at

The council will discuss NHS provision in Abingdon due to population growth and strain on GP practices, dentists, and urgent care. The council will then find the best way to urge the Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board to increase NHS provision, and publicise their concerns.

P.S. If anybody does go and can give me an update to this report, the meeting is at 7 pm in the Old Magistrates Court.

Consultation Crush mirrors Morning Motoring Mayhem

The consultation in Abingdon to discuss the new local plan up to 2041 mirrored the traffic in Abingdon this morning.

* Traffic up West St Helen Street.

* Consultation in a corner of Pablos Lounge.

The venue became as much a talking point as the plan in the morning.  The crush had eased off by afternoon, as had the traffic.

It was good to see Roger and Bobby, who attend most of Abingdon’s consultations, as experts and friends of Abingdon. Hopefully, the location at Pablos also attracted more people who wouldn’t typically attend such consultations.

Janet M said building more homes in Dalton Barracks and Culham, as proposed in the 2041 plan, would worsen Abingdon’s traffic. She agrees new homes are needed but wants better road infrastructure and bike paths first to manage the extra traffic and encourage cycling.

Mike thought it was crunch time for Culham, and said now was the time to stop more houses at Culham, and help save Abingdon, through this local plan.

The plan proposals can be viewed and commented online at

New Joint Local Plan (preferred options until 2041) Up for Discussion

Vale of White Horse District Council (VWHDC) and South Oxfordshire District Council have teamed up to create a Joint Local Plan to guide future development in both districts until 2041.

There aren’t any major changes to the development plans for Abingdon compared to the 2031 plan. However, changes are happening nearby at Dalton Barracks. The Ministry of Defence is moving out by 2029, and the plan is to develop the vacant barracks area.

Instead of the 1,200 homes originally planned until 2031, the new proposal is for 2,750 until 2041. The development area will include extra land from the Green Belt, creating a larger area (52 hectares compared to 30 hectares). This is intended to be a Garden Village-style development with a school, local shops, good transport links, and plenty of green space. There is nothing planned for the top of the airfield.

The proposal can be viewed online at (Chapter 8 and AS10 has Dalton Barracks.) A printed copy is also available at Abingdon Library.

There is a drop in event in Shippon at Shippon Church Hall on 24th January between 3pm and 8pm. VWHDC will be there to answer questions and explain the plans in more detail.

The drop in event in Abingdon will be at Pablos on 3rd February.

The joint plan is far more than just building development. In Chapter 9 on town centres, the preferred option is for Didcot to be the principal town centre across both districts, with Abingdon-on-Thames, Faringdon, Henley-on-Thames, Thame, Wallingford, and Wantage within a second town centre tier.