10 thoughts on “Fox on Ock Street

  1. the color climax corporation

    A few months back i saw an adult fox proudly strolling across the front lawn of the autistic school on marcham road at about 8am – totally unexpected.

  2. the color climax corporation

    on a sad note, i saw a small dead fox near the multi story this morning – maybe it’s him

  3. Yasmin

    When I lived in Abingdon I never once saw a fox, which was a shame because my son adores them. Then I moved to Brighton and Hove and saw no end of urban foxes until my son moved there too! Now I’m in Lincolnshire and haven’t seen any…yet.

  4. Suzieh

    This time last week I was watching a family of 6 cubs from my bedroom window. I have only seen one or two this week so wonder if the others have left home.

  5. Tim B

    Im right in the dead centre of town and I watch foxes most nights of the week, along with the occasional muntjack and even a roe deer in the day time the other day. You just got to keep your eyes open i reckon.

  6. the color climax corporation

    i’ve seen a deer on the ock valley walk quite a few times over the years – 3 times in the last month next to the busy drayton road.

  7. dan

    rush common school , north abingdon has seen deer and foxes in the last week. for a sercured site,we was amazed to see them.

    we also get the odd badger strolling through and during frog spawn season we are visited by a dasterdly heron. he’s gobbled up all our taddies

  8. Lyndsey

    I phoned the rspca, and a fox rescue, and tiddywinkles animal hospital about this poor little baby, and none of them would come and get it because I couldn’t get it locked in my garden!! Poor little thing was terrified, kept running into walls, could hardly walk, falling up and down curbs… then I see he’s been killed near town.
    All they had to do was come to abingdon and get him, but they wouldnt 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 poor poor lil thing…


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