There are 3 Cooling Towers This Morning

The 3 southern cooling towers of Didcot ‘A’ Power Station got blown down at 5am this morning. The other 3 will get taken down more slowly. Here are views during and after the demolition. The same views were shown on yesterday’s blog before the event.
six cooling towers
six cooling towers
six cooling towers
1. From a field just outside Drayton
six cooling towers
2. From the Entrance to the old Didcot ‘A’ Power Station.
six cooling towers
3. From Milton Road, Didcot
six cooling towers
4. From the new nature area on the reclaimed landfill near Peep-o-day Lane.
six cooling towers
5. From Margaret Brown Gardens.

6 thoughts on “There are 3 Cooling Towers This Morning

  1. Annabel

    We watched across the field in Sutton Rd, Milton. It was surreal all that waiting for 10 seconds – but worth it. My photos are on my blog.

  2. Houdini

    Visitors could have watched this from the top of the County Hall, but they declared there weren’t any available staff to supervise. However one staff member let themselves into the museum with partner and spent the evening on the roof wining, dining and watching.

    Seems ok for their own gain.


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