Dog and Puppy

Dog and Puppy model
Thanks to Ray for sending this picture from last Friday . Ray said “I took this around lunchtime today in the precinct. It was fascinating watching the guy doing his sculpture. He was just starting the puppy on top.

6 thoughts on “Dog and Puppy

  1. Martin Gulliver

    I saw it too…before the puppy. Wonderful work! We are used to seeing sand sculptures on the beach, but to bring sand so far inland – great idea!

  2. Captainkaos2

    Just for info “Bury Street Abingdon” has a brilliant web site full of info and competitions, well done SW !

  3. Rebecca

    I’ve just had a look at the Bury St website and it looks really good. A good way of bringing all of the retailers together and showing outside visitors what is on offer.

    Abingdon does have much more on offer of course, with Stert, Bath and Bridge St to name a few. Would outside visitors be left with a feeling of, oh is that all there is in Abingdon. A site showing hat we can offer as a whole town, from a shopping perspective, would be even better. But well done to whoever has done the Bury St site – it is very good in its own right and well done for taking the time and effort to try and promote Abingdon.

  4. Captainkaos2

    Rebecca. Scottish Widow. Aka new river capital, lease holders of the precinct did it, I think ? What’s needed now is the Bid team to create a new town business web site that lists ALL businesses, not just Chamber members and then link it to this one, also all the precinct shops should be advertising their web site too, perhaps a window sticker ?

  5. Hester

    I agree about the businesses website – the much-maligned Choose Abingdon Partnership set up just that – it is still there on the town portal at Since the demise of ChAP it has not been maintained so needs a complete revamp and the BID would be the obviously people to do it. Should it be a completely separate website though? If we really want the town to thrive, maybe a one-town website or portal where people can find out about leisure, entertainment, places to visit etc is better….

  6. Captainkaos2

    Hi Hester, just had a look at that link and it is exactly as I suspected , even though it’s out of date now at the time its just not representive or concise, just a quick glance shows me Mary brooks, hedges, Jequire insurance, a plan. Holland and Barrett, 3 dentists, 2 hairdressers 3 opticians and a gym are all missing from the list which is why business should look after such important issues like town web sites, not a bunch of amateurs !


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